
Strawberry picking

Hello, hope you all had good weekends! Thanks so much for all the lovely comments about our new sideboard. I am still rather smitten with it :-)

These pics are from last weekend when we went strawberry picking. I've been cherry picking before but this was my first time strawberry picking, and wow, they were delicious! The stuff you buy at the supermarket simply doesn't compare. The Boy and his pal had the best time. (And us parents had a rather lovely time too. We actually managed to have some uninterrupted conversations.) The only thing I'm not so sure about are those scarecrows and giant faces. But then again I am the world's biggest scaredy cat :-)



  1. Oh those scarecrows are creepy - kind of like evil clowns and there is nothing worse than evil clowns! Lovely pictures of the strawberries, although it seems so weird that you are eating all the summer foods while we are freezing cold, damp and living on sprouts and parsnips! x

  2. Ooh I love strawberry picking, so much fun. Those giant faces are huge and those scarecrows are deffinately a bit creepy looking! xx

  3. I'm with you, those huge heads are very weird! Aww strawberry picking, im very jealous...with the weather we're having I'm more likely to pick up a cold...x

  4. Those strawberries look so good. I love to go strawberry picking in the summer - I feel like I am taking the kids on a wholesome, healthy activity while secretly getting something out of it myself! And yes, those scarecrows are really creepy... xx

  5. YUM! I have never been but I so would love to pick straberries :)
    Ellen xx

  6. what a great time! I've never been picking before.


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