
Finally, time for a catchup

Hello lovelies, I haven't been around for while... with so much is happening in my 'real life' it's been a struggle to update my blog and visit yours.

My little baby 2 year old started play school yesterday! Eek! He's settled in so well - no tears, no drama - so I am fully expecting a meltdown any day now! It's only for 2 mornings a week and I'm missing his little cheery face around the house. However it means I have SIX uninterrupted hours a week to work. I know the time will whizz by but still, the possibilities are endless :-)

I've also been working super hard to update my online graphic design portfolio. I've picked up quite a few freelance jobs since the end of last year. It feels great to work again and I really hope I continue to find work as a freelancer. The thought of returning to work in an advertising or design agency sends shivers up my spine. It's all about late nights and working weekends and I am so over that!

We've also been house hunting. Ugh. It's been awful. With our tiny budget we can only afford a 'renovator's dream' but the places we've seen have been more like a demolisher's dream! The prices are unbelievable and with so many awful stories in the South African news at the moment, I have wondered if it is a good idea to invest here. I'm in no rush to leave but still... it's worrying, and these days Edinburgh (where Mr Hello Olive and I lived for a chunk of time) has been on my mind more and more lately.

Well, on that note I'm really hoping that I'll have more time for this space, my Etsy shop and to pop in more regularly to visit your blogs. Hope you all have amazing weekends and 'see' you soon!

Image from here


  1. Give me a shout if you do decide to set up camp in Edinburgh :-) Wishing you luck for your search of a new house.

    1. I definitely will Christina! We're long overdue a visit back there... would be lovely to meet up for a coffee :-) x

  2. Sounds like you and I have similar situations: Hoping to be fully freelance, grabbing time while the two year olds are at nursery for those few precious hours, upping sticks...
    Great news that you're getting work. I hope all goes well and you make the right decision for you home-wise.
    S x

    1. Thanks Sarah! I hope you're finding lots of freelance work too. Super hard to juggle the kids and the work load so I often find myself working at night. I'm enjoying it though and it's under my terms which is the best bit x

  3. I hope everything settles down for you soon. Best wishes with all you have going on!

    1. Thanks Jennifer. It's been busy but thankfully it hasn't been too stressful! x

  4. How is your baby two already?! It sounds like life is full and busy, and make sure you don't spend that whole six hours working, I think you've earned a rest. Good luck with the house hunting. You have my sympathies, it's certainly a case of managing expectations! xx

    1. I know, I can't believe he is two either. Time is whizzing by! Just been to see another dreadful house so your sympathies are very much appreciated :-) x

  5. Your little man, two already. Time flies when you're having fun! It will be lovely to have a few hours to do what you want or need to. Enjoy the freedom! Good luck with the house hunting! Bee xx


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