
My flower painting collection

I've been collecting paintings and pictures of flowers since we bought (and have since sold) our flat several years ago. We were living in Edinburgh at the time I used to walk to work past a pawn shop every day, and admire a tiny flower painting in the window. After many months I eventually caved and bought it for an absurd amount of money. Years later I found a similar painting by the same artist for sale in a charity shop for next to nothing. Hmph. But still, I'm glad I got it.

Most of my flower paintings are vintage finds picked up at charity shops or flea markets but my favourite one was bought in Paris at a market near the Notre Dame. I wish I had bought more! But it cost 70 Euros about 10 years ago, so not cheap! (Well, certainly not for me! I had to think twice before I bought just the one.) The artist was an old dear, who didn't speak a word of English, and we don't speak any French, so you can imagine how interesting that exchange was :-)

So every time we move (twice since we sold the flat and returned to Cape Town) my poor husband is instructed to get out his drill out and recreate my 'layouts'. And by layouts I mean the picture above :-) Poor man, he deserves a medal putting up with me and my control freak tendencies :-)

This is what it looks like now ^ Well, almost. We've since moved the couch to the other side of the room and have a chest of drawers in its place. And, oh the horror, the pictures are not centred above it *eeek* Poor hubby will have to get his drill out again ;-)

And in case you're interested, The 'Paris' painting is the one just beneath the birds, and the 'pawn shop' painting is little one near the middle in the gilt frame. Oh, and the abstract green one at the bottom is one of The Boy's creations :-)



  1. What a gorgeous collection, I especially love the 'Paris' one! Your boys painting fits in so nicely too. xx

    1. Thanks Caroline, I haven't tired of it after all these years. x

  2. They're all really pretty. I try to make collections too, I think it's an interesting way to display art.

    1. Thanks Jennifer. I like this type of display because it's an easy way to add to the collection. x

  3. Thanks Jules! I'm always on the hunt for more pics but don't tell my husband :-) x

  4. I love your collection!
    The paintings are so beautiful :)

    MJ // www.littlepandacrafts.blogspot.com

  5. I too am a bit of a control freak about things like that - you're not alone!
    We've just moved into a rented house so no hanging up pictures wherever we like, sadly.
    I do like your collection. I have a stack of old mirrors with bevelled edges which weigh a ton but one day they will be hung up!
    S x

    1. I love mirrors with bevelled edges! We rent our house too but the owner is fine with us putting up pics as long as we fill all the holes and touch up the paint when we leave. x

  6. such a sweet collection of flower pictures! i have a little mix of flower and bird themed pictures too. i'm a little on the control freaky side too, actually i usually do the hanging myself (and maybe not the smartest way... an old hammer and nails, sometimes pins... i don't show my boyfriend ever how i've managed unless it's gone wrong). love the flower painting your child made, i'm much looking forward to the times when i can hang my own's little art on the wall too!

  7. Oh I do like your art collection x

  8. That abstract green one is so lovely! your boy is talented. I love to collect paintings, especially at flea markets or from local + indie artists. I have a few (2!) pictures up.. I would have more but rentals are a pain! Love the pics xo


  9. Gorgeous collection Col! I have so many pictures still to hang. I get a bit paralysed when it comes to choosing what goes where and then I have to sweet talk my lovely other half to get the drill out! Bee xx

  10. Such a lovely post Col! I pored over your photos for ages. The little one in the middle with the gilt frame - i can see why you had to have it. They are all charming, and I like the way you added in the modern rifle press print too. Best of all, they are full of history and memories, and that's what makes this collection so unique and beautiful. xx

  11. Your collection of paintings is stunning. I completely sympathise with your control freak tendencies too. I'm dreadful at dictating where things need to go on a wall......oh and don't get me started on changing furniture underneath them and then it not being centred! Good to know I have some one on my side! ha ha!

    Have a super rest of a week

    Vanessa x


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