
Here comes the rain again

You would think, wouldn't you, that after all those years of living in Edinburgh I would be able to find one umbrella in the house. Nope, all I can locate is an enormous beach brollie. Not very practical for this very wet and rainy Cape Town day. (I really am enjoying the cooler weather though despite being drenched several times today.) I did however buy The Boy some wellies a couple of weeks ago and he had a fab time jumping in all the puddles on our walk today :-)

It's meant to be hot again this weekend. Probably one of the last few sunny ones left so we are making the most of it and having a lazy barbecue. Hope you all have sunny and happy weekends!

Print 1 & Print 2 by Dig The earth   |   Tote by Hello Dodo   |   Print by Showler and Showler



  1. Hi, no rain in Edinburgh today but pretty dull. What a great range of prints, all perfect, could not choose between them. Love the bag and looking forward to reading your blog now I've found it! Have a great weekend, wishing you sunny days. Katie x

  2. I know what you mean. Constant showers here too. Have a great weekend :) xxx

  3. It has been drizzling all day today here... so miserable! love the 1st print x

  4. Lots of rain here too! I love your finds, especially that first print. Have a great weekend, hope its sunny for you. xx

  5. Rain, rain, rain here too ... lovely finds ... hope you get some more lovely sunshine ... Bee xx

  6. And more rain here. The Mr was telling me this ridiculous weather everywhere is probably linked to the most minimal sunspot activity recorded in a long, long while. Apparently sun spot activity is linked to cloud formation.

  7. Brilliant finds. Col! I am a massive fan of Showler and Showler and the only reason I've not bought anything from them is because I can't decide what to buy!

    Rain here too, and sleet, and I can never find a blooming umbrella when I need one either. I have resorted to using Hello Kitty and Mr Men kids umbrellas in emergencies...

    Gillian x

  8. I love the prints and the song by the Eurythmics with the same title as your post!

  9. Beautiful prints! I've given up on umbrellas for the moment - they always seem to blow inside out!

  10. The seagull prints! Stop! I just love them. Look at them in their wellies.. haha! Hope you enjoy your bbq, Hazel x

  11. Sadly no rain here - would be happily received to get rid of these bush fires!! Now Seagulls in gumboots almost trump the kissing foxes from your previous post. Almost :-D


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