
Rustic retail therapy

I'm indulging in a bit of retail therapy after a bit of a rough morning. The Boy was sick all over himself, his car seat and my car. Lovely. Thankfully he seems fine - I think it was just a bit of motion sickness and too much milk (he's slightly addicted).

I've always liked a bit of a rustic crate/storage basket but the ones I seem to find aren't nearly as nice as these vintage ones. I particularly like it when they're filled with pot plants. Feeling all inspired now - I may have to venture out to the local flea market this weekend!

Slant top box   |   Wood crate   |   Drawer box   |   Farm market box
Metal storage basket   |   Wood crate   |  Wood tote caddy



  1. oh no! nothing worse than sick in the car.....definitely deserving of retail therapy...happy hunting x

  2. Aw bless him, glad he's ok now! These are all lovely, I especially like the drawer box and that wooden caddy. xx

  3. Oh dear, poor both of you. The joys of car journeys and little people! x

  4. Been there- it is yucky - poor wee thing. Hope better now. Love the creates too, Jo xx

  5. Oh yeah, been there too. Bella was once so sick over me and herself (while sitting on my lap) that it was even in my bra. Shudder. Hope the boy is recovered now!

    Gorgeous finds. I especially love that blue wire basket.

    Gillian x

  6. oh dear, hope he's feeling better now :) I like the last one, I've seen similar things at antiques markets but they're always a little too expensive, I hope you find something nice at the flea market x

  7. There was an antique market here in my town last sunday and I totally forgot to go!! I'm in love with wood crates but I love original old ones and I'm finding only reproductions.

  8. i think this will have to be my next project! i will definitely be thrifting this weekend!




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