
Friday freebie

Calendar by Darling Clementine

Yay, it's Friday! The Boy went back to 'school' this week after a 5 week holiday. I was a bit nervous because it's a new nursery but he's settled in fine so far. It definitely helps that he went to a wee play school last year so he's used to the idea of me leaving him.

But now, hooray, it's the weekend and if that isn't exciting enough, I'm also super chuffed that the 2013 Harvest Calendar (above) is available to download free, yes, free, right here! I've been a fan of Norwegian design agency Darling Clementine* for a while now so I cannot wait to get my hands on the calendar :-)

Have a great weekend lovelies! x

* You can see my previous posts here and here



  1. Oh thanks for the link, lovely ... the calender is rather gorgeous isn't it ... glad your little one has settled in school ... it's always a worry but wee ones are very adaptable ... enjoy your weekend ... Bee xx

  2. It's always nerve wracking when we leave our little ones isn't it...I hope he (and you) had a good day, and thanks for the super link...I'm loving this calendar! X

  3. Lovely calendar - thanks for the link! Glad your little one is settling in ok - always so hard to leave them at first isn't it?! Hope you have a great weekend. Rachel xx

  4. Glad your little one settled into his new nursery ok. I love that callendar, it's gorgeous! Hope you have a lovely weekend. xx

  5. Very lovely calendar. Good to know that your boy settled well - it's always a bit nerve wracking when they go back after a long holiday break. But so nice to have some time t yourself!

    Gillian x

  6. The calendar is lovely and I 'need' it! Thank you for sharing.


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