
Soaking up some ssssunshine

I've been loving the warmer Spring weather we've been having! We've had loads of picnics and bbqs lately and it's so lovely to wake up and see blue skies... Saturday morning we lazed about in the sun at the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. The Boy loves exploring there and we often end up wandering around the less populated and more overgrown bits. I am a huge wimp and am always on the look out for creepy crawlies. The most exciting things I have seen there so far have been a mongoose, a giant spider (see pic above) and a few crabs. So imagine my utter HORROR on Saturday when I saw a snake. Yes, a proper snake. Not a hosepipe as my husband asked later but a real, big, fat snake all curled up and sunning itself right next to the path. Once I my knees stopped shaking and we made to back to the busier part of the garden I calmed down enough to realise it was 'just' a mole snake. (I can't bring myself to post a pic but you see what one looks like here.) They're not venomous and thank goodness this one was totally oblivious to our presence. But I think I will stay away from the quiet, interesting paths until next winter when my snake friends head back into hibernation. *shudder*

Also, I just wanted to say thanks so much for the fab comments about my new prints and a big welcome to my new followers :-) I haven't been blogging much lately but hopefully I'll be online more often once things have settled down a bit. x



  1. gah, never mind the snake that spider is terrifying!! nice to hear you've been enjoying some sunshine at last :) x

    1. The spider I can cope with because I could stomp on it if it decided to attack me. Not that I would of course - we are very spider friendly in our home :-) x

  2. Where have you been woman? I miss you! Stop all this bbq/picnic stuff and come back to our virtual world. (only joking, get yourself out and enjoy the sun). Loved the new prints btw. x

    1. Forgot to say snake - yikes!!! x

    2. I know - I have been a naughty blogger lately! I've sort of lost my mojo a bit... Hope it comes back soon! x

  3. Glad you have been enjoying the weather! That spider is HORRID! My husband won't let me squash them and we have to rescue them or leave them be but they FREAK ME OUT!!! Xx

  4. Not keen on the snake ... very scary ... the gardens look amazing though and that beautiful sunshine ... Bee x

    1. The gardens are really stunning! We usually go about once a week although I may give it a miss this weekend :-)

  5. What a fabulous place you live. Minus snakes and spiders. I'd be terrified! There was a viper in our garden the other week. Hope I don't see it again! x

    1. Omg, a viper in your garden!!! Really hope you don't see it again! x

  6. That first photo is so beautiful - what gorgeous scenery you have. But that spider...eeek! It's big. I'm not good with spiders. Or snakes for that matter! xx

    1. It's extremely gorgeous at Kirstenbosch and a fab place for kids (minus the occasional snake of course)! x

  7. so beautiful! except that spider. sick. also, snakes, gross.

    1. Yup, I hope to never encounter a snake there (or elsewhere) again! x

  8. Big no to ssssnakes, big yes to wonderful surroundings!

    1. It's stunning there and apparently very rare to spot a snake... x


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