
Good morning sunshine

Print by I Love Doodle

The very lovely Gillian from Tales from a Happy House recently gave me a Sunshine Award. Thanks Gillian! Your blog is one of my favourites so I'm really happy you enjoy mine too :-) The award involves answering some questions and passing the sunshine onto to 5 other blogs. So here goes...

What is your favourite colour? Anything bright. Right now I'm loving yellow.

What is your favourite animal? Before The Toddler made an appearance I would have said dogs but now I think having a child and a pet would just be too much hard work! Hopefully when he is older we'll get a dog or two though.

What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink? Coffee and tea. Don't make me choose between the two because I can't :-)

Do you prefer Twitter or Facebook? I prefer blogging!

What is your passion? Getting a full night's sleep that doesn't involve a small child sneaking into the bed and kicking me in the ribs :-)

What is your favourite pattern? Gosh, I think it's easier to choose patterns I don't like such as paisley or chintzy things.

Do you prefer giving or receiving presents? I prefer to give. I always feel a bit awkward opening pressies in front of people...

What is your favourite number? I don't have one although weirdly I don't like even numbers!

What is your favourite day of the week? Friday is definitely the best day of the week! I love knowing there's a whole weekend ahead to enjoy.

What is your favourite flower? Um... gosh, I don't actually have one! Let's just say sunflowers as they remind me of holidays in Italy and France.

I'm passing the Sunshine Award onto a few of the blogs I really love to read. I know tagging isn't for everyone so I really won't be offended if I've tagged you and you don't want to take part (or you've already been tagged by someone else). The nominated bloggers are:

Nick at Morten and Me
Caroline at Scraps Of Us
Pippa at Ouch Flower
Jo at Binds You To Me
Ana at Our Haus

And that's it. Hope you enjoyed reading my answers :-)



  1. Congratulations to you! I too received the Sunshine Award some time ago, it's a lovely little one to get. The links you chose to forward it on to are great too... more happy blogs to read and follow! x

    1. Hi Hazel, thanks for the comment :-) It's always great to discover new blogs! x

  2. Yippee! Thanks Col! Very sweet of you, I was just passing by and thought you had blogged again about our fav colour and there was the award. I shall visit the other recipients and pose my sunshine post! :)

    1. I'm a bit of a sucker for a survey (weird, I know!) so I quite like doing these things :-) x

  3. Congrats on the award! I liked reading your answers :-) off to have a look at the others now x

  4. Great to know a bit more about you! Same here for love of yellow and yearning for 8 hours uninterrupted sleep... x

  5. Ooh thank you Col. How lovely. I loved reading your answers. xx

  6. Thank you so much- loved reading about you and I will do this when I get a wee chance next few days, Jo xx

  7. Thanks so much for the mention Col! Have had some of your lovely readers over already! Will repay the favour asap! x

  8. Hi Caroline, Jo & Ana, glad you're happy with the award :-) x


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I read every single one of them :-)

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