
Summer so far

Phew, today has been roasty toasty! We spent the morning in the shade near a little stream at the botanical gardens with some friends. I didn't take my camera unfortunately but here are a few snaps of what we've been up to lately.

The Boy got a boogie board for his birthday. Or as he calls it, a surfboard :-)

Birdy footprints at the beach.

Sandcastle with a a tunnel. The tunnel bit is very important when you're 3!

Decorating the tree. Finally! We usually get a real tree but last year's potted version died a very sad death so we've borrowed my mum's one instead. Husband and I wanted to get a lovely wooden one we found but it didn't tick The Boy's box. Too minimalist for his tastes :-)

Graffiti in our old neighbourhood. The heart appeared first and then a few weeks later the little bird arrived.



  1. Awww. So sweet. Love him decorating the tree - he's concentrating really hard isn't he?! And I'm so jealous of your sunshine, it's so cold here. x

    1. He was so excited about the tree! And then very upset afterwards that Santa wasn't coming immediately :-) x

  2. oh wowza it certainly looks warmer where you are :)) x

  3. Heat, beaches and Xmas tree, it's all happening here too! Lovely times aren't they! :)

  4. Total cuteness in the tree decorating photo. The concentration! Your beach looks so nice and so different to the weather here right now, it's freezing! x

  5. What lovely pictures ... I am more than a little jealous of your lovely sunshine ... I love the tree decorating photo ... ours was fun on Sunday ... three little ones all trying to hang the baubles at the same time ... it was a tad crazy ... but they had a ball ... have a lovely week ... Bee xx

  6. He he, I took photos of birdie footprints today too, but in the snow! Xx

  7. It's so lovely to see sunny warm pictures when it's so frosty outside here! Great tree, and great graffiti too!

  8. Your little one is really loving his Christmas tree which is very cute......
    Tania xx

  9. Typing under the duvet due to it being chilly willy
    Feeling just a tad jealous of a Christmas in the sun.
    Looks fab! X


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