
Cheerio 2012 & Hello 2013

Calendar by Dozi

Wow, is it just me or are the years passing so much faster these days? We've just spent the last morning of 2012 at the local traffic department getting our drivers' licences renewed. (Sadly in SA you have to do this every 5 years. I was dreading it especially since we had The Boy along but it was surprisingly painless and everyone was so pleasant. And it feels great to get such a dull task out of the way before 2013 makes its appearance.)

I was planning to do a round up of my favourite Etsy calendars but I love this one from Dozi so much that it's getting the feature all to itself :-) Isn't it gorgeous?

We're in for a bit of an exciting New Year (more on that another time) but in the meantime I hope you all have a fabulous and Very Very Very Happy 2013! Big hugs, Colleen x



  1. ooh that calendar is gorgeous, I love the colours! Have a wonderful New Year Col xx

  2. Oh yes love that calendar! It totally deserves a feature all to itself. Well done on getting the dull stuff sorted out. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and have a wonderful New Year lovely lady! x

  3. Ciao Jen,
    I wish you a happy,wonderful,amazing NEW YEAR 2013!!! Tanti Auguri!!

  4. Oh that is seriously nice...Happy new year Col, love Nick and Morten xx

  5. Happy New Year ... hope it's truly wonderful ... Bee xx

  6. Sounds exciting Col! Lets do 2013, Lots of best wishes, Jo xx

  7. That's a lovely calendar :) Have an excellent New Year, sounds like 2013 has a lot in store for you, look forward to hearing all about it. x

  8. Loving that calendar! I love that your picked something so "you" to celebrate the new year. I have so enjoyed stopping by here throughout 2012 and am looking forward to continuing this year - oh, and I am no dying to know your news, you tease!

    Gillian x


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