
A weekend away - Part 1

Last weekend we swopped rainy Cape Town for a few days in the beautiful and sunny (yay!) Riebeek Valley. We've had a busy few weeks and decided a wee break was Very Necessary so we booked a self-catering cottage, packed up the car and The Toddler, and headed to the countryside.

The rustic chicken coop
Isn't the stove amazing? The owner found it in the attic and had it rewired.
My husband reckons it is better than our stove at home!
My spot in the sunshine. Heaven...
Realised my shoes are different shades of black. Hmmm. Not sure how that happened :-)

The Toddler had the best time just being free, making friends with the owner's dogs and collecting eggs from the chicken coop. Us grown ups had the best time eating, reading and sleeping in til 8am. All that fresh air must have had a good effect on The Toddler :-) 

Just in case any local readers fancy a break, we stayed at De Stal Cottage in Riebeek West. Johan (the owner) is the loveliest guy - so nice he didn't even mind when I spilt red wine on his couch. Eek. Sorry Johan!



  1. Oh Col, it looks amazing! That blue, blue sky! And the cottage - so rustic and quaint and totally beautiful. Well done to the toddler for sleeping in (I love how 8am counts as a lie in when you have kids!). x

  2. Col, that looks such a fantastic cottage! We love going to a cottage for a wee break too. The little one looks very content. Plenty of books, fresh air, good food, wine and like you say a long sleep in if the kids allow it make for a good break. Lovely pics. Jxx

  3. That house looks so cosy! The kitchen is really cute. I think that kind of holiday is so good when children are small. You can all just be free to do as you please. So glad you had a happy holiday! :) x

  4. Col, what a beautiful cottage to satay in, your family looks so relaxed! Hubby plucking away at his guitar is so groovy looking! You little man and his dog how gorgeous. Enjoy that glorious sunshine and have a wonderful holiday. Roberta x

  5. You lucky lady! I so need that right now. Looks beautiful and I love that stove too. Glad you had a fantastic break. x

  6. What a cute little place! A little bit of rustic heaven and yup, that stove is amazing!

  7. That stove is amazing!! Looks like a wonderful little getaway! :)

  8. Thanks for all the comments :-) I've got a few more pics to post. Must get round to that soon... x

  9. Beautiful photos, it looks like an amazing place. Very jealous of all that sunshine. Ireland has been very dull and grey I'm afraid.

  10. This loooks so idilick, that how u spell it hehe xo


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