

Happy Friday everybody! It's the best day of the week, with the whole weekend ahead of us. We'll be celebrating a friend's birthday on the beach tomorrow and then Mr Hello Olive and I have a date night planned. On a Saturday! Sunday will be quiet to recover from the shock of actually going out on a Saturday after dark :-) 

Lately I've been...

Rearranging things.

(a) how on earth our landlord thought huge, black tiles would look good on a pale wall (there's a little vintage stove in the corner. I'm not mad about the skinny silver chimney either...), and (b) what colour and fabric we should reupholster our chairs in, and (c) whether we actually should reupholster the chairs since they'll no doubt get covered in all sorts of sticky goo. (By the way, that table in the shot was my gran's but we were lucky enough to get it when she moved in with my mom.)

Baking a very easy cake. It looks a bit flat (my cake tin is too big) but it sure was yummy!

Making traffic jams with The Boy.

Baking again.

Attempting to make our hideous brown couches look slightly more attractive with some cushions from here. (And asking myself why we thought buying brown living room furniture was a good idea. And they're so big. I would love to replace them but other than their ugliness there's nothing wrong with them...)

Hope you all have a lovely weekends planned. Have a good one! x



  1. Your table is sooo gorgeous. I love it!
    Have a lovely, lovely weekend xx

    1. Thanks! I love the colour - nice and cheery to distract me from those tiles :-) x

  2. Really gorgeous photos, Col. You know, I didn't even notice the tiles, I was too busy admiring the table! Nice to see some pics of your home. That photo of the cars reminds me so much of my boy and his endless car piles/lines/arrangements.

    I was told that re-upholstering furniture is very expensive so unless you are very attached to that suite I would leave it, then you wont care if it gets covered in spills. And you can save for a lovely new sofa, yay!

    Have a lovely weekend and enjoy date night. :-)

    Gillian x

    1. Thanks Gillian! I've looked into reupholstering and it won't be too expensive to redo them. The chairs are quite old and in desperate need of a varnish and new covers but it does seem crazy to do it now while the boy is so little. x

  3. Great pics. Love the cupboard, perfect.

  4. I don't think your sofas are hideous at all, but I do like your new cushions :) Have a lovely weekend :D

    1. Thanks Annie :-) When we bought them we had a huge living room with a lovely old fireplace, so I didn't notice them as much. Now they just seem so big in as the living room is much smaller. x

  5. I love seeing snippets of your home - lovely! I love the splashes of red and all the blue things on top of the wardrobe. Big Brown couches here too - they do hide a multitude of sins when you have young kids though :-D Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Mel x

  6. those cars are such fantastic colours, I love peeking into other people's homes. I actually really like the brown of your sofa. Sometimes I hate how garish the red is on our sofa! x

  7. Adore your table, such a great piece! x


  8. You had a lovely week-end :)

    The children are on holidays, so I'm going to bake chocolate cake too and we're going to have a walk on the beach.
    We had a little snow yesterday, but today is really sunny.

    (your couches are not as bas as you say)

  9. Love having a peek in your home :) thanks for sharing it!

  10. That table is awesome Col! Love it. And I also love the Skinny La Minx cushions, they look great on the chairs. Have you looked into reupholstering with oilcloth on the chairs? That way you can just wipe them down and they would work well with the retro feel of your table. x


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